Samartha Bharat Parva
& Swami Vivekananda Jayanti
Vivekananda Kendra celebrates
25th December to 12th January as Samarth Bharat Parva every year. Swami
Vivekananda had started his three days meditation at the mid-sea rock in
Kanyakumari on 25 December. His historic meditation was to know his role for
the regeneration of Bharat. Therefore, Vivekananda Kendra, celebrate
Samarth Bharat Parva starting from 25th December and it culminates on 12th January - the birth anniversary
of Swami Vivekananda.
At the times of Swami
Vivekananda, India was in such a pathetic condition that only a visionary like him could have seen her
rising again. It is easier to be proud of your country when everything is going
on well. But when there is an all around poverty, when country is under foreign
rule without any sign of freedom, society divided in many communities and
regional pride and prejudices, educated looking down upon its own country and
praising the rulers, it is difficult to see what is good in it. At the best, in
such times some people may love their motherland because it is their motherland
but to see her potential is difficult. But Swami Vivekananda not only loved the
country but believed in the destiny of India, and brought back her confidence
in herself. How did he do it?
Generally we see what
is happening but fail to see the intrinsic worth of anything. If we also see
only the apparent variety then we cannot feel the strength of large India
united in her vision and values. A spiritual approach to the problem, i.e. seeing beyond the apparent degradation, beyond the
apparent unconnectedness, it can give real
insight. Swami Vivekananda saw the Oneness of India and
stressed on it. He focused on the unifying principles - common basis - of the varied communities with their apparently diverse traditions and
customs. He stressed on Oneness and inherent strength. At Lahore, in his speech "Common bases of Hinduism”, he gives us those
unifying principles. Generally, the perceived dilemma is that if we
strive to have unity, then diversity is destroyed, thus, then the communities
lose their identities. This is what Christianity has done all over the world. In enforcing the
uniformity, many communities lost their traditions. Communities without
their identity become rootless and resort to violence.
But then, if only the diversity
is emphasized, the communities start warring with each other. We have to
protect the identity of all the communities but at the same time we cannot have
the warring communities hating each other intensely. For this, the approach has to be
to see the unifying principles and also cherish the diversity. Stressing on the
common principles of Hindu Dharma and also different
expressions of it in various communities is the integral approach. In this
approach, the identity of each community is protected at the same time
integrated society emerges as the strong entity to fulfil its destined role. This is possible only in
vision of Oneness. When one knows that the other is only an expression of my
own inner being, then one ceases to be wary of diverse traditions, diverse
practices. In fact, the diversity is protected only in having the world view of
Ultimately, each living or a civilization
in the creation has something to
contribute for the further unfoldment of the divinity. This is what Swami
Vivekananda explained to us. Swami
Vivekananda said, "Each nation has a message to deliver, a destiny to fulfil,
a mission to accomplish."
If a nation is
awakened to its mission then to fulfil that, it's existence becomes meaningful.
It gets a point of reference in understanding the happenings and the ideologies
in the world. India has to give this vision of Oneness to the world, a society,
which is sustainable, based on the fact of inter-connectedness and
inter-dependence of the existence. If all
those who with their exclusive approach are opposed to this vision of Oneness, then it becomes the obstacles in the path of national mission. India's fighting spirit itself was impaired
because we had stopped identifying enemy - the Asuric forces. Swami Vivekananda
by awakening us to our national mission, indirectly also gave us the criteria
for identifying the enemy. He had said that if Hindu converts to other religion
it is not one Hindu less but one enemy more.
India does not have
the agenda of ruling or dominating over the world. Her mission is to guide the
world in creating an ideal social order, a society which is interconnected and
therefore caring for each other, a society where human beings are aware of
their innate divine nature and strive to realize that. But to give such noble
message, India needs to be strong and
successful civilization. No one would listen to the message of a weakling
however noble may be the message. For the good of the world India has to be a
strong and successful country. Today there are indications that our country is
coming up. It is becoming an economical power but also there are indications
that the nation is not owning its heritage and mission. Will the destiny of the
India, an emerging super power be in the hands of those who cherish India, and
her Dharma? Thus only strong and successful country does not make India
Samartha - capable to fulfil her mission. She also has to be aware, proud and
purposeful of her identity - her Sanatana Dharma.
In Swamiji's life we
see that he made it a mission of his life to awaken the nation to her glory and
the destiny. For that he underwent hunger, hurts and humiliations in America.
As he had to represent Hindu Dharma he did not limit himself to any sect or path
but gave the unifying principles of Hindu Dharma. He could rise above even his total devotion to Sri
Ramakrishna while giving the message of Hindu Dharma. He rather understood that devotion to Sri Ramakrishna does
not mean only proclaiming his name to all but spreading his teachings without
even telling his name to others if that enhances the acceptance. When ultimately in
the Parliament of Religions he got unprecedented acceptance, he also kept away
all the temptations and remained steadfast
on his path. When he returned to India, he
dedicated his name and popularity again for awakening India and not to project himself. For
India, he also gave the message of do or die. Applying the ancient vision of seeing Ishvara everywhere, he
stressed on divinity of man, and the aim of life as the manifestation of our innate divinity. He also emphasized
to see the living God. With all these dimensions of the life of Swami
Vivekananda, let us pay floral tribute to him 12 th January in our house, our
localities, our offices and factories and whole our life by working for our
nation and manifesting the best in us in our behaviour.
Nivedita Raghunath Bhide
Vice President